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英文名:China Jiliang University 简称:“中量大”,“CJLU”,“中国计量学院” 所在地:杭州 院校代码:10356 类型:理科类/文科类/理工类/工科类/考研院校

  • 徐鹏简介详细资料

基 本 信 息姓 名徐 鹏性 别

出生年月 198101学位/学历博士职 称讲师 一级学科数学二级学院理学院二级学科应用数学研究方向 分形理论及其应用、计算流体力学办公地点格致中楼413 联系电话86835749手 机 13868125229E—mailxupeng@cjlu.edu.cn在 研 课 题
获 奖 情 况
2. 树状分形分叉网络的输运特性,湖北省优秀博士论文,2010.近 期 发 表 的 主 要 专 著
1.Peng Xu and Boming Yu, The scaling laws of transport properties for fractal-like tree networks, Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (2006) 104906.
2.Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Meijuan Yun and Mingqing Zou, Heat conduction in fractal tree-like branched networks, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49 (2006) 3746-3751.
3.Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Yongjin Feng and Mingqing Zou, Permeability of the fractal disk-shaped branched network with tortuosity effect, Physics of Fluids, 18 (2006) 078103.
4.Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Yongjin Feng and Yanjun Liu, Analysis of permeability for the fractal-like tree network by parallel and series models, Physica A, 369 (2006) 884-894.
5.Peng Xu and Boming Yu, Developing a new form of permeability and Kozeny-Carman constant for homogeneous porous media by means of fractal geometry, Advances in Water Resources, 34 (2008) 74-81.
6.Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar and Boming Yu, Fractal theory on drying: a review, Drying Technology, 26 (2008) 1-11.
7.Peng Xu and Boming Yu, Shuxia Qiu and Jianchao Cai, An analysis of the radial flow in the heterogeneous porous media based on fractal and constructal tree networks, Physica A, 387 (2008) 6471-6483.
8.Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar and Boming Yu, Drying-induced cracks in thin film fabricated from colloidal dispersions, Drying Technology 27 (2009) 636-652.
9.Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar and Boming Yu, Innovative hydrocyclone inlet designs to reduce erosion-induced wear in mineral dewatering processes, Drying Technology 27 (2009) 201-211.
10.Peng Xu, Xiangqi Wang, Arun S. Mujumdar and C.Yap, Thermal characteristics of tree-shaped microchannel nets with/without loops, International Journal of Thermal Science 48 (2009) 2139-2147.
11.Peng Xu, A.S. Mujumdar, H.J. Poh, Boming Yu, Heat transfer under a pulsed slot turbulent impinging jet at large temperature differences, Thermal Science, 14 (2010) 271-281.
12.Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Shuxia Qiu, H.J. Poh, A.S. Mujumdar, Turbulent impinging jet heat transfer enhancement due to intermittent pulsation, International Journal of Thermal Science, 49 (2010) 1247-125.
13.Xiangqi-Wang, Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Christopher Yap, Flow and thermal characteristics of offset branching network, International Journal of Thermal Science 49 (2010) 272-280.
14.Jun Chen, Boming Yu, Peng Xu and Yonghua Li, Fractal-like tree networks increasing the permeability, Physical Review E 75 (2007) 056301.
15.Yanjun Liu, Boming Yu, Peng Xu and Jinsui Wu, Study of the effect of capillary pressure on permeability, Fractals 15 (2007) 55-62.
16.Yongjin Feng, Boming Yu, Peng Xu and Mingqing Zou, The effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids based on the nanolayer and the aggregation of nanoparticles, Journal of Physics D 40 (2007) 3164-3171.
17.Mu Chen, Boming Yu, Peng Xu and Jun Chen, A new deterministic complex network model with hierarchical structure, Physica A 385 (2007) 707-717.
18.Yongjin Feng, Boming Yu, Mingqing Zou and Peng Xu, A generalized model for the effective thermal conductivity of unsaturated porous media based on self-similarity, Journal of Porous Media 10 (2007) 1.
19.Jie Xu, Boming Yu, Mingqing Zou and Peng Xu, A new model for heat conductivity of nanofluids based on fractal distributions of nanoparticles, Journal of Physics D 39 (2006) 4486-4490.
20.Mingqing Zou, Boming Yu, Yongjin Feng and Peng Xu, A Monte Carlo method for simulating fractal surface, Physica A 386 (2007) 176-186.
21.Yongjin Feng, Boming Yu, Kaiming Fen, Peng Xu and Mingqing Zou, Thermal conductivity of nanofluids and size distribution of nanoparticles by Monte Carlo simulation, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 10 (2008) 1319-1328.
22.Mingqing Zou, Boming Yu, J. Cai and Peng Xu, Fractal model for thermal contact conductance, Journal of Heat Transfer 130 (2008) 101301.主 持 完 成 的 科 研 项 目
1. 生物分叉网络的输运特性,国家自然科学基金专项基金项目,项目编号:10947153,经费:3.0万,2010.1-2010.12;
2. 支气管分叉网络中颗粒多相流的输运特性研究(Y6110343),8.0万,浙江省自然科学基金,2011.1-2012.12
个 人 简 历
徐鹏,男,1981年生,毕业于华中科技大学物理学院凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位。2007至2009年在新加坡国立大学机械工程系作访问学者,在Arun S. Mujumdar教授研究小组合作研究,现为中国计量学院讲师。主要研究领域为分形理论及其应用、多孔介质以及计算流体力学等。主持国家自然科学基金一项和浙江省自然科学基金一项。发表学术论文30余篇,其中以第一作者发表SCI论文10余篇,并对国内外专家多次引用。Drying Technology, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Applied Thermal Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Thermal Science等多个SCI国际期刊的评审人。获得湖北省优秀博士论文(2010),2010年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学二等奖,郁伯铭/徐鹏/冯勇进,2010)。
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